Judging the contest were Michael Flowers, Sam Stewart and Brock Ostertag; all husbands of Rosemann staff. Each contestant prepared their bowl of chili in the kitchen with all the necessary garnishes and flair. Points were not only awarded for taste but also for presentation. Would you expect anything less from a group of designers? The prepared bowls were then handed over to Vanna, our very own Emily Ostertag, for presenation to the panel of judges seated out of view from the kitchen.
The judges were intense in their review of each entry, filling out an evaluation sheet on each. After all were tasted, the judges began tallying and review process. Of course, they were totally impartial in their process. The deliberation took some time but, Ann Motycka took first place for her delicious chili, Scott Rosemann took second place and Vickie Stewart took third.
A great time was had by all who participated and attended this event. Those who attended, but didn't bring chili, brought complimentary dishes or contributed five dollars for our Haiti Relief Fund. This event will certainly be worth repeating next year...but we can skip the cold weather!
(Pictured from left to right are judges Michael Flowers, Sam Stewart, and Brock Ostertag with 1st Place Winner Ann Motycka)
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