

It's my belief that being an active member in the community helps a designer's skill evolve. At Rosemann, we coined the term "we know how people live" because our design approach reflects a deep understanding of how people interact in their communities.

We rely on real life experience to help create design solutions that are innovative and meaningful. With that said, I would just like to state how proud I am of the Rosemann employees. This past year they have demonstrated a willingness to venture out into their respective communities and play vital roles in organizations that affect thousands of people.

I've always said that Rosemann is not just a firm of 45 individuals. Each member of our team has family members, friends and neighbors to whom they are responsible for. This makes Rosemann a collective family. Our family is forever growing and will continue our commitment to providing spaces that improve our communities' quality of life.

- Donald E. Rosemann, NCARB, AIA, DBIA

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